Feb 04, 2023—Mar 11, 2023
The Windsor Art Center -- Exhibit hours are Thursday: 6 to 8pm; Saturday 10am to 4pm and Sunday: 11am to 4pm.
Cost After Opening Weekend - Free
Event Contact Andre Rochester | Email
Categories Exhibits
Opening Weekend: February 4 – 5
Freedom can feel as though it exists within a grey area- unclearly defined. Our understanding of freedom evolves and/or devolves with society. As we all strive to achieve some version of freedom, we experience its complexity. Windsor Art Center has encouraged artists from all over, via open call, to share their perspectives on freedom and the pursuit thereof.
Lorena Garay Sucari Duo – Saturday, February 4, 2023, 7:00 pm
$15 Student w/1D, $24 Member, $30 General Admission
Puerto Rican guitarist Lorena Garay and Chilean multi-instrumentalist Eugenio Huanca perform an irresistible mix of Latin American guitar styles. Please join Lorena and Eugenio as they play haunting melodies, syncopated rhythms and charming strums from the Andes, South America and the Spanish Caribbean!
Gentle Yoga for Stress Management:
Beth Gibbs teaches 6-week sessions on Sunday evenings at 6pm. This therapeutic yoga is a self-care system that focuses on easy-to-learn yoga postures, breathing exercises and meditation.
Adult Art Classes at the Studios:
Painting, drawing and open classroom hours taught by Michelle Hawran available afternoons, evenings, and weekends.
This exhibition is supported in part by local businesses, organizations, and individuals from our community.
Special Thanks to: